Sunday, November 4, 2007

Alan Hildebrand

The discovery of the catastrophic Chicxulub Crater in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico was made by Alan Russell Hildebrand in 1990.

Hildebrand received his bachelor's degree in geology at UNB, and later returned to school to complete his Ph.D. in planetary sciences. He is currently Canada Research Chair in Planetary Sciences and is also a research scientist for the Geological Survey of Canada. Most of his work focuses on the K-T event as well as meteorite impacts and processes.

According to the main theory dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago by the K-T event (Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction even). The reason being an asteroid or comet hit the earth killing 75% of all species and 90% of all biomass was destroyed. The crater Hildebrand discovered has a diameter of 180km. Finding this crater took many years and was quite an accomplishment.

The Chicxulub Crater

1 comment:

Dale Harp said...

The Chixulub crater Impact is not the impact, which killed the dinosaurs. I am Dale Harp. I am publishing a book entitled; The Cataclysmic Impact: Planet Earth's Most Violent Intersect... on It is prepared to challenge and prove historically, that the Chixulub crater impact theory is totally incorrect.

Dale Harp