Monday, September 17, 2007

Astronomy, a topic of interest and beauty

I am a first year student at Mount Allison University and am taking an amazing course called Astronomy. There is nothing comparable to laying on a beach under a blanket of stars in Fundy National Park. The crisp air making the stars seemingly brighter and there was no shortage of shooting stars.
I guess what I'd like to accomplish with my blog is opening one's eyes and mind to the wonders of the world, especially what lies beyond the earth's atmosphere. Planets, stars, constellations, and asteroids are just barely grazing the world of astronomy. There is so much we do not know and so much left to discover. The world is full of things we cannot understand completely, such as stars we see today are actually millions of light years away and we see them as they were that many years ago. This is a concept that I find hard to get my mind around, yet it is so extraordinary.